62nd Annual Meeting | TX Communication Services | GVTC

Truck winner mark rosequist

GVTC successfully held its 62nd Annual Meeting on June 28, at the New Braunfels Convention/Civic Center. With a quorum established, members voted on five available board of director positions. All incumbent GVTC board of directors were reelected and include George Steinke, District 1; Jameson (Jamey) Arnold, District II; Clint Swindall, District II; Richard Elkins, District III; and Tony Spears, District V. Thanks to all nominees for their willingness to serve on the GVTC board.

The members also approved an amendment change to allow for electronic and mail balloting to bring our cooperative in line with current Texas laws and industry best practices.

Chairman Charles Knibbe announced this year’s capital credits disbursements would exceed $4.8. million dollars. Members who did not pick up their capital credits check at the Annual Meeting had their amount due this year applied to their July billing statement. 

President and CEO, Ritchie Sorrells, revealed GVTC would again expand its fiber network to members. At least another 1,000 homes are part of the project. Customers will be notified by GVTC when fiber service is available in their neighborhood. GVTC now has a fiber to the home connection available to 73 percent of rooftops across its 2,000 square mile service area. 

The Annual Meeting also included drawings for $12,300 worth of prizes and merchandise, which included a retired GVTC work truck, worth an estimated $6,000. Congratulations to Mark Rosequist for winning the truck. Mark is pictured with his family and drove the truck home after the Annual Meeting.

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