Ways Kids Can Successfully Learn from Home

Every parent wants to help their child be the best version of themselves. A study of successful entrepreneurs found 93 percent of them admitting that their childhood experiences played a vital role in their lives. Most of them were encouraged by their parents and other family members to act as entrepreneurs at an early age.

It's the little things you do or the attitudes you teach them that set your kid on the path to success. In the words of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do." Teaching your kids life skills will go a long way in helping them perform well later in life. These skills open them up to a world of opportunities.

In today’s remote climate, it’s important to set your kids up for success no matter the learning environment they’re in. Here are a few key habits to incorporate into your kid's daily routine to help them learn from home successfully:

1. Teach your Child Self-Control and Focus

Kids thrive off routines, schedules, and habits. Not only does it offer them a sense of stability, but it also allows them to remain focused and learn self-control. These behaviors help them learn to make good choices in any given situation. According to social psychologist Walter Mischel, children that displayed higher amounts of self-control usually had higher grades and earned more as adults.


Take the time to communicate with your kids about what to expect every day. Teach them how to organize their personal belongings and know the appropriate places to put their shoes and coats. Reduce the noise and distraction from their lives by introducing quiet activities such as reading books or completing puzzles together.

2. Show your Child the Importance of Doing Chores

Making your kids do the dishes, mow the lawn, or take out the garbage will make your life easier, but it'll also teach them about responsibility. Explain to them the importance of everyone participating and achieving something meaningful. Show them the value of hard work and teaming up with others to get things done.

If your kids aren't doing chores, it means someone else is doing it for them, which denies them the opportunity to work and learn. The skills they learn from home will not only help them to be self-reliant, but they will also instill a strong work ethic in them. Your children will get to learn time management and planning abilities that prepare them for the professional world.

3. Help your Kids Develop Good Relationships

It's through relationships that children discover who they are and understand the people around them. As a result, it matters that they have a good relationship with their siblings and parents. How you spend time with your kids determine how they'll view the world when they grow up.

Kids_and_PuzzlesYou want to allocate a period every day when you spend uninterrupted time with your child. Discover things that connect you and show them that you're interested in his/her activities. Respect their feelings and encourage them to express how they feel, appropriately. By cultivating healthy relationships with your kids, they become successful at building similar connections with others in society.

4. Play Games that Involve Critical Thinking

We live in a world where adults have to analyze information before making crucial decisions every day. The earlier your kid learns this skill, the better for them. Critical thinking is essential because it ensures that your children have the best answers to the different problems they face ahead.

Help your kid develop his/her evaluation, judgment, and problem-solving abilities. Play board games or activities that require them to assume critical roles and make crucial decisions.

Use these games to formulate a hypothesis, try out new ideas, take risks, and find solutions to real-world problems. The ability to reason, especially during critical moments, is a vital skill they'd need to hone to become successful in life.

Learn_From_Home5. Teach your Kids Social Skills

It doesn't come as a surprise that kids with excellent social skills become more successful than ones without them. Socially competent kids have higher chances of cooperating with their peers, resolving issues by themselves, and getting full-time jobs out of college.

Show them the importance of understanding and communicating correctly with others. This strategy will help your kids to listen carefully and read social cues before interacting with society. Take the time to listen and reply to your child without distractions and help them cultivate their social skills.

6. Teach your Child to Accept Challenges

Learning how to be resilient is one of the most important traits to cultivate in life. Everyone faces challenges and failures. The key to handling it is knowing when to bounce back and try again. Teaching kids how to accept challenges and work to overcome them plays a role in how they turn out in the future. As children learn from home, it’s even more critical to teach them the difficulties of life and how to overcome challenges with a positive attitude.

When you create an environment with the right amount of structure – one that isn't limiting, children learn to take on different challenges. Teach them early to focus less on the achievement and more on the effort they spent while completing a task. Encourage your child to try out new things and permit reasonable risks in the process.

7. Help your Child Cultivate Healthy Habits

Healthy_MealsMaintaining a healthy mind and body is one of the ingredients to a successful life. Show your kids the benefits of taking care of themselves through leading by example. Make healthy dinners together, encourage them to exercise, and avoid eating junk food as often as possible.

Set boundaries that ensure that they get plenty of sleep, stay active, and cultivate healthy habits to be successful.

Protect your Kid's Future

Set your child on the right path to success by teaching them to develop self-control, social skills, good relationships, and work ethics. Secure your home and ensure their safety with GVTC connectHome. Also, take control of their media exposure by controlling WiFi access at home with the GVTC WiFi App - available for GVTC Premium WiFi subscribers.

While their success is largely in their hands, there are many steps you can take today to ensure they’re as equipped and ready for whatever the world throws at them.

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