What's Your WiFi Score? | TX Internet Provider Services | GVTC
Do your speeds match your needs?
Looking around your house, how many connected devices do you think you have? We’re talking all devices connected to the internet, including smart TVs, mobile phones, thermostats, wearables, laptops, smart refrigerators and maybe even your vacuum cleaner. Could you give us a ballpark?
The double digits may just shock you.
Luckily for you, that number’s probably right on-trend. The real shocker comes when you test the limits of your internet speeds against all those connected devices and then some. It’s not unusual to split your bandwidth between multiple people and dozens of devices, but coupling that with a larger floor-plan and several stories adds a few more variables when assessing the performance of your internet. That’s why it’s always a good idea to know which internet speeds truly meet your household needs.
Introducing your WiFi Score
Your WiFi Score is a personalized score based on YOUR life. We’re cutting out the tech jargon and bringing you a fun, simplified way to assess your internet needs.
You can think of your WiFi score as your internet personality. Taking care of all the research on our end, we’ve carefully curated 4 simple questions to analyze your current internet speeds, device usage, and lifestyle. Once you take our quiz, you’ll receive a unique score tailored to you.
Based on your WiFi score, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to make a confident decision about which internet speeds are right for you. Your WiFi Score will also give you a snapshot of your tech-savviness while providing education about your internet usage.
Get Started Here! “What’s your WiFi Score?” Take this short, easy quiz to find out!