GVTC Enhanced Parental Control

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we do various tasks, especially the way we work and attend school. Here at GVTC, we are always trying to find new products that will ease the technological burdens of our customers. We aim to ensure you are provided the best features to keep your family up-to-date and safe. We are so happy to introduce our newest feature, Experience IQ: Enhanced Parental Control.

With most school districts turning to distant learning, parents have to monitor their children’s virtual schooling. Many children have had difficulty adjusting to this new way of learning, especially with many distractions the internet can lead them to. To help parents ensure that their children are keeping on the right track and staying safe online, we are now offering ExperienceIQ: Enhanced Parental Control. For just $3.95 a month, you can add this excellent service to help keep an eye out on your children’s device usage. You must have our Premium WiFi to have access to parental controls, so upgrade today if you haven’t already!

With ExperienceIQ, you can set profiles, content filters, screen time limits, and view network usage, so children learn on child-appropriate sites, apps, and devices. These controls will allow you to schedule your child’s school day and make sure they only have access to specific materials during the hours of school. 

These numerous great features are easy to set-up via the GVTC WiFi App. With the simple click of a button, you can control offline hours each day or select individual days of the week. Set up multiple profiles and monitor their usage by day, week, or month.. You can filter by application, content, and website, and there is no limit to how many categories you can block! You can also turn on Safe Search for Google and Bing, as well as YouTube restrictions. With Enhanced Parental Control, you can enable notifications to receive activity updates about the profiles and devices you have chosen to monitor. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to straight A’s!



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