GVTC's 2021 Milestones

Dearest valued customer,

2021 was a hugely successful year for GVTC. We remain focused on ensuring that our company and our community endure all challenges and continue to grow and prosper as we did before the pandemic.

Looking back at the goals for this year, I'm proud to say that GVTC not only delivered on its promise to provide the best value in communication services amongst competitors, but it also paved the path for future innovation and success with just three main initiatives this year.

Superior customer service

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Our first focus for 2021 was Operationalizing Fiercely Loyal Customers. Our newly created and operationalized customer experience department was tasked with enhancing FLC values, measuring customer sentiment, and recommending corresponding initiatives that would create a better customer experience. In the process, our goal was to involve as many subject matter experts as possible. Our problem-solving teams continue to play an important role in our FLC initiative.

In 2022, we plan to continue this dialogue by requesting your feedback during different touchpoints in your customer journey. This, in turn, provides us the necessary qualitative data needed for areas of growth and encourages customer advocacy, all while remaining faithful to our promise of keeping customer service at the center of all that we do.

GoGVTC™ app and account portal

One of our main initiatives this year was driving process efficiencies. To accomplish this, we took on the largest software conversion in company history. The NISC initiative was such a massive undertaking that it impacted every GVTC employee and customer.

The new GoGVTC™ app and account portal played a large part in this initiative and we are so excited to share it with you. With this improved app, you can manage your GVTC account from anywhere, allowing you to be on the go and in control.

The GoGVTC™ app has many features and benefits that make managing your account as easy as possible. Whether on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you'll be able to contact customer service, keep up with the latest news or pay your bill.

Making payments through GoGVTC™ is quick and easy. The first time you make a payment, you'll have the option to securely store your payment information for future transactions. The next time you pay your bill, it will only take a couple of clicks to set up autopay. The GoGVTC™ app also allows you to see your current bill, along with bills from the previous month or even past years.

The GoGVTC™ app lets you set up alerts and notices that are important to you, giving you a personalized experience. You'll be able to select how you want to be notified about your bills, including email and text messaging. The app also lets you contact customer service anytime for requests, concerns, or any questions you may have.

Brand Refresh

Since we are providing leading-edge technologies in the industry, we decided it was time to reflect a modern, current image to maintain a competitive edge. We are so excited and proud to introduce our new logos, taglines, and brand colors for GVTC Communications and The GVTC Foundation. We are here to grow with our customers and the ever-evolving technology that encompasses the telecommunications industry.

Many changes have occurred throughout the 70-year history of GVTC, but the loyalty to our customers has remained the same. Though we have updated the GVTC brand, we promise to continue to keep our customers at the forefront of all of our initiatives.

We are so proud of all that GVTC has accomplished since 1951. We appreciate all of our customers and promise to keep providing the leading-edge technologies in the industry with a focus on enhancing our communities.

Going beyond business to support our community

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The GVTC Foundation's mission is to profoundly enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve, and during these trying times, the need has never been greater. This year, The GVTC Foundation donated more than $410,000 to local nonprofits in our service area. GVTC employees have also donated a lot of their time, and they reached into their own pockets during our annual employee pledge drive raising more than $76,000 that went towards supporting our community.

Thanks to the partnerships of GVTC vendors and community sponsors, we were able to raise over $172,000 from our 2021 GVTC Charitable Golf Classic. $.96 of every dollar is distributed back into our local communities. And even more outstanding was the outpouring of support for this year's Thanksgiving Giveback Project; after partnering with 11 local food pantries and 31 organizations and businesses, The GVTC Foundation packaged and delivered a record-breaking 491 Thanksgiving meals to families in need throughout GVTC's service area.

Our customers are also supporting the GVTC Foundation's mission by participating in our Round Up for Change program. By rounding up your monthly bill, you allowed us to turn your spare change into an additional $48,000 for the GVTC Foundation in 2021.

We genuinely thank you for your commitment as your donations have a lasting and positive impact every day.

Happy Holidays and an even Happier New Year

With the holiday season here and a new year ahead, there's no doubt many of you will be using many of our services to connect with friends and family near and far. Our state-of-the-art technology helps us stay close and connected.

I'd like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. And, most of all, I want to thank you for being Fiercely Loyal Customers.

Ritchie Sorrells


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