Top 5 of Netflix ISP Speed Index | Internet Speed Providers| GVTC

A huge achievement accomplished just this past April was GVTC’s inclusion in the Top 5 of the Netflix ISP Speed Index. Ranked third nationally, the Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of primetime Netflix performance of Internet Speed Providers (ISP) around the globe exclusively. GVTC placed higher than the largest national competitors and continues to be recognized as one of the very best at delivering a top-notch Netflix experience.

NetflixSeveral other publications, such as Broadband Communities Magazine, have recognized GVTC’s desire to effect change and be a leader in transforming the customer experience through a combination of first-class advance communications products and superior customer service. #0000111551-001-6 It is difficult to surpass the achievement of 10 consecutive years of being designated as a Top 100 Broadband Provider in America. GVTC’s first-class advanced communications services, specifically SpeedSync® and continuous improvement and deployment of Fiber-To-The-Home technology, remain key differentiators. Important to note, GVTC is also still the only telephone cooperative to make this prestigious list.

First-class advanced communications products, superior customer service, and a customer-centric philosophy are the essential components to being victorious in GVTC’s quest to elevate the customer experience. To see how we compare to other ISPs in the world, visit for more information!

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