A Look at 2018 | Texas Communications Service Goals | GVTC
Looking back at the goals we set for 2018, I’m proud to say that GVTC Communications not only stayed true to its promise of providing the best value in communication services, but it also paved the path for future success with three main initiatives this year.
Dedicated to Creating Fiercely Loyal Customers, we conducted customer surveys this year that provided significant insights into the areas where we are doing well, while also giving our customers an opportunity to let us know the areas where we could improve. In 2019, we will continue this dialogue by requesting your feedback during different touchpoints in the customer journey. This is the next phase in our plan of harnessing qualitative data to improve at issue resolution quickly and encouraging customer advocacy, all while remaining faithful to our promise of keeping customer service at the center of all that we do.
Additionally, we introduced our new Member Dividend Program to further thank our fiercely loyal members for “choosing local.” As a first of its kind in the United States, this program provides all active GVTC members who are eligible with a dividend that is applied to their payments–every month! In its first year, MDP released monthly 20% dividends back to its members, which created a wave of positive response to the added value we provide our loyal members.
A large part of GVTC’s success has been our ability to adapt to the evolving industry, particularly the way we engage with customers online. With more people turning to social media and online shopping, we devoted resources to Digital Engagement to meet customers’ needs on their terms and at their convenience. We increased our online customer support channels through Social Media and online ticketing, and enhanced GVTC’s online shop giving customers the ability to order new service online.
Our efforts don’t stop there. With our community at the heart of everything we do, it was a momentous year for our employee-driven philanthropic arm, The GVTC Foundation. Since its inception in 2006, The GVTC Foundation has donated more than $2.8 million to our service areas with charitable contributions, scholarships, and outreach projects. In 2019, GVTC is adding two new vocational scholarships worth up to $5,000 each in addition to our two $20,000 scholarships meant for deserving High School seniors residing in our community.
With the holidays upon us, there’s no doubt many of you will be using multiple broadband devices to connect with friends and family. Our advanced technology helps us stay connected, where others are not as fortunate, and for that simple gift we are genuinely grateful. In the spirit of the season, I’d like to wish you and your families a warm and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. And, most of all, I want to thank you for being Fiercely Loyal Customers.
Ritchie Sorrells